Thursday, January 03, 2008

WDW Trip Report - Afterwords

This was one of those trips where pretty much all those things that can go wrong and mess up a trip were blissfully absent. The flights were uneventful, on time and comfortable, ground transportation was on time, the room was in a great location wth a great view, there was little rain to cause problems and even the cool (and a couple of times cold) weather really wasn't an issue. The food was uniformly much better than just acceptable and while we didn't get to eat at all the places we originally planned to, the substitutes were all good. All in all, it was a great trip!

If there were any negatives, it was spending too much time focusing on the late night stuff (totally my fault) and still not relaxing and taking it easy enough to suit either of us. While I came out of the trip feeling pretty good (until the night AFTER we got home, when I got hit with the cold that dogged me through the rest of the holiday season), J started out pretty tired and finished up even more tired, so that's something we need to work on next trip.

Ah, the NEXT trip! While I think we were ready for a break after our last trip to Disney, six and a half years was too long to wait before going back. I think that led in part to trying to get everything in on this trip, rather than relaxing and thinking that we'd be back in a few months or at most a couple of years. I expect that we'll want to head back down there within 18 months or so - there were things we didn't get to despite some rushing around and certainly other things that we're going to want to do again soon.

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