Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Record!

Two out of the last three years we've gotten 69-70 trick-or-treaters - this year we got 85 (and that was with shutting down a little early (7:40-ish) to go grab some dinner). There were still a couple of small groups out - we really should have waited until 8. There were lots of teenagers this year, which I don't have a problem with as long as they're in costume (as they all were). The decorations got high marks - the fog machine was a big hit, the little girls liked the purple and orange lights and the sound-activated spider dropping down from the skull-and-crossbones banner towards the waiting parents' heads was a success. There was a pretty good group of parental costumes - the best by far being the guy dressed as the Man in the Yellow Hat with his 3 year old dressed as Curious George (wonder who's idea THAT was?).

Early reports are that things went okay downtown but the ugly stuff usually doesn't come to light until later on the 1st - keeping my fingers crossed that everything was peaceful.


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We got more kids than usual, for which we were prepared, but we do have a little leftover candy. Unlike you, I'd guess over half of them, of all ages, weren't dressed in anything but jeans and t-shirt.

One thing that was different this year was that the kids were VERY polite. There were very few who didn't say thank you. That was nice for a change.


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