Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sorry, Didn't Mean to Leave You Hanging...

The big change I hinted at is that I'm changing jobs in a couple of weeks, which is probably not that big a deal for some but the last time I went out looking for a job was 1987. Actually, that's not even true as the interview I got in '87 was as a result of a job search the year before, so it's actually been more like 21 years. And I didn't look for this one - a guy I worked with for many, many years at that job I got in 1987 e-mailed me a few weeks ago to see if I'd be interested in backfilling his old job after he got a promotion. And as it turns out I did! So I start October 1, which is providing no end of amusement to JennySlash as she knows that almost every major lifechange like this hits me during my birthmonth.

I have always tried not to blog much (or at all) about work and I do not expect that to change. Suffice it to say that I'll no longer be working in the IT Outsourcing industry, which thrills me to no end. The company I've been with for the last seven years has certainly treated me well and I think I could make a damn good future there, but it seems clear that to do so would require either long stretches working or living in other cities (like my experience in Chicago last year) or it would mean a permanent move to northern Virginia and a 1.5 to 2 hour commute each way just has no appeal to me at all. One of the real positives with the new gig is that there will likely be some business travel, some of it international, but the home offices are here in RTP so it seems less likely that I'll need to move to advance.

Sure, all of that can change in a matter of weeks. Surviving the boom/crash taught me that. But for the foreseeable, this sure looks like it's going to be a great place to be!
