Friday, March 27, 2009

Good Season

I'm sure there are people writing today that are going to be saying that Dook fell short last night. Frankly I think they played well over their heads in February and losing in the round of 16 feels about right for the talent level. I've got no use for their ferret-faced coach and I've got no use for the team, but if I'm honest, I've got to say that they overachieved this year.

So once again the Tar Heels are the last ACC team standing...


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great Spring/Summer at the Cradle!

Wed. April 8 - Robin Hitchcock and the Venus 3
Sat. April 11 - Katherine Whalen's Lucky
Wed. April 15 - Superchunk
Mon. April 27 - Dinosaur Jr with Mike Watt
Fri. May 1 - Rev. Horton Heat
Thu. May 7 - The Presidents of the United States of America
Fr. May 8 - Lez Zeppelin
Tue. June 9 - X
Sun. June 14 - The Meat Puppets

And them's just the highlights - holy moley!!

I've already got tickets for the Rev and will definitely be hitting the X show. I've never been the Robin Hitchcock fan that many of my friends are, but POTUS and Superchunk are very likelies and the Katherine Whalen show is a probably unless I decide to drive over to Greensboro to see the Othermothers instead.

